Copyright 1996, Christine Rose
[The following is from the Introduction of Rose War files Vol. II: Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files for surname Rose, by Christine Rose, (San Jose, Calif.: Rose Family Assn., 1996.]
A list of all the Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-land Warrant Application Files for Rose that are contained in National Archives microfilm publication M-804. The first service pension act was passed by Congress in 1818. Before that, pensions were generally awarded based on the disability or death of a serviceman.
A flood of applications forced Congress in 1820 to enact remedial legislation. In 1820 a new law required every pensioner receiving payments under the act of 1818, or any future applicant, to submit a certified schedule of his estate and income. As a result, within a few years the pension roll was reduced by several thousand. An act approved 1 May 1823 resulted in the restoration of a number of pensions to those who had their names removed under the act of 1820, but who subsequently had proved their need of assistance.
On 15 May 1828 another service-pension act was enacted. It granted full pay for life to surviving officers and enlisted men of the Revolutionary War who were eligible for benefits under the terms of a Continental Congress resolution of 15 May 1778, as amended.
On 7 June 1832 a more liberal pension act was enacted, and extended to additional persons the provisions of the act of
1828. Every officer or enlisted man who had served at least two years in the Continental Line or State troops, volunteers or militia, were eligible for a pension of full pay for life. Naval and marine officers and enlisted men were also included. Veterans who had served less than the two years but longer than six months were eligible for a reduced pension. Neither the act of 1832 nor the act of 1828 included a provision based upon financial need.
Other acts were passed involving the widows of soldiers. Initially a widow could under certain circumstances and provisions receive one half pay. Later, by an act 4 July 1836, certain widows of revolutionary veterans were permitted to apply. Certain conditions applied. Another act 7 July 1838 granted 5-year pensions to widows whose marriages had taken place before 1 January 1794. These pensions were continued under subsequent acts. On 29 July 1848 Congress provided life pensions for widows of veterans who were married before 2 January 1800. All restrictions pertaining to the date of marriage were removed by acts of 3 February 1853 and 28 February 1855. On 9 March 1878, widows of Revolutionary War soldiers who had served for as little as fourteen days, or were in any engagement, were declared eligible for life pensions.
Bounty land was promised to soldiers of the Revolutionary war under a 1776 resolution of the Continental Congress. Subsequent acts awarded the land and required application for benefits. Many of these files were destroyed in subsequent fires in 1800 and 1814. In later years, extant bounty land papers were combined with the pension files and comprises the body of the collection microfilmed as M-804. If the papers were among those destroyed, a cross reference was created and includes the notation, "No Papers. "
M-804, the National Archives microfilm publication which reproduces the extant application files, contains both Selected and Non Selected papers. When writing to the National Archives for a copy of a file, only Selected papers are sent. However, the Non Selected papers can contain valuable additional data. They often also include letters written by interested descendants in the 1920s or 1930s. When possible, examine M-804 for the complete file. If you wish to examine a book of all the abstracts based on an examination of the complete files, look for Christine Rose's Rose War Files Vol. II (as previously mentioned) in your library. If not available there, you can order a copy of the book (see Rose Books) from the Rose Family Association.
The following index has been annotated with information from the file.
ABNER ROSE. Mass. widow Abigail Stebbins.W15276.
ABRAHAM ROSE. Mass. widow Deziah, lived Hillsborough Co., NH, Bible record shows ch. Anna Howland, Gideon, Catharine, Patty, Brackley, Pamela, Abraham Jr., Deziah Jr., and included other Bible records of Rose. W24780.
ABRAHAM ROSE. R.I., BLWt. 3453. Iss. 4/16/1790. Papers missing: Card shows land bounty issued Apr. 16, 1790, Priv., R.I., #3453. Nothing further in the file.
ALBERT ROSE. N.Y. BLWt.7692. Iss. 12/5/1791. Papers missing: Issued to Albert Rosa, assignee.
ALEXANDER ROSE. BLWt. 1863-300. No papers. Issued Mar. 3, 1791. Papers issued. [In his military file there are a number of payroll and muster roll papers, showing that Alexander Rose was Capt. in 6th Va. Reg. commanded by Col. John Gibson. Dates of rolls 1777-1778.]
AMOS ROSE. S33607, Mass., b. Granville, MA, mentions 2 ch: Charles & Delia, lived Morris Co., NJ.
ANDREW ROSE. N.Y., BLWt. 7668. Issued 7/24/1790 to John Lawrence, assne. No papers.
ARCHIBALD ROSE. Va. BLWt. 12500. Issued 4/12/1792 to Francis Graves, assne. No papers.
ARCHIBALD ROSE. Va. S39046. Lived Norfolk Co., VA.
BENJAMIN ROSE. Mass. S28858. Born Wollwich, ME, bro. John of Kennebec Co., ME. Soldier lived in Bangor ME & Somerset Co., ME.
BENJAMIN ROSE. N.Y. R8998. Born Dutchess Co., NY, lived Ontario, Rensselaer, Schoharie & Otsego Cos., NY, had sister Katharine Cronkhite.
BENJAMIN B. ROSE. Va., Sea Service, widow Susannah. W11162. BLWt. 43522-160-55. Wife was Susannah Rutherford; he was b. Charles Co., MD, lived King George Co., VA, m. in Garrard Co., KY, lived Mercer Co., KY, widow lived Johnson Co., IN.
CHARLES ROSE. widow Rebecca. R9010. Lived Hunterdon Co., NJ, widow lived Fayette Co., PA. [Other records indicate he lived in Monongalia Co., VA (now WV) for many years before his death.]
CHARLES ROSE. widow Lucinda. W816. BLWt. 26292-160-55. Wife was Lucinda Goins. He was b. King George Co., VA, lived Fayette & Gallatin Cos., KY.
CORNELIUS ROSE. Green Mtn. Boys, N.Y. Sarah Whaley/Waley, former widow. W19623. His widow m. Elias Whaley. He lived Rensselaer Co., NY, widow lived Albany Co., NY.
DAVID ROSE. Pa. S22959. Born Philadelphia, lived Delaware Co., PA.
ELIJAH ROSE. Mass. BLWt. 4929-100. Issued 4/13/1789. No papers. Papers missing. Elijah Rose, Sergeant, Mass. Line, Warrant No. 4929 issued 13 Apr. 1798. No further.
ELIJAH ROSE. Mass. S43945. ELISHA ROSE. Cont. Mass. S43960. Served from Granville, MA, lived Essex Co., NY.
ENOCH ROSE. Mass. BLWt. 1198-100. Lived Granville, MA, m. Lydia, she m. Jesse Wolcut; widow lived W. Springfield, MA.
EVERT ROSE. N.Y. W22126. widow Margaret. He was b. Ulster Co., NY, lived Tompkins Co., NY, Bible record incl. ch. Hanah, Sarah, Cornely, Cornely again, Polley and [Olive?].
GAD ROSE. S17657. Born Granville, MA, lived Hartford Co., CT, bro. Justus Rose. Levi Rose was mentioned.
GEORGE ROSE. W5716. Va. widow Dicy. Lived Essex Co., VA, widow lived King & Queen Co., VA.
GEORGE ROSE. Va. R8999. Resided Loudoun Co., VA, Grant Co., KY. Son Francis Rose mentioned.
ISAAC ROSE. Md. widow Margaret. W3721. Continental. Enl. Harford Co., MD, lived Mercer Co., PA.
ISAAC ROSE. Va. S39053. Lived Culpepper & Stafford Cos., VA.
ISAAC ROSE. Va. W5713. Married Margaret, ch. mentioned: James, Hannah, Ezekiel, Charles, Amelia. He lived Braxton, Nicholas, Allegheny & Bath Cos., VA.
JACOB ROSE. N.Y. widow Lisa/Lizza. W4578. Married Lisa Bowker, lived tompkins, Ulster, Tioga & Cayuga Cos., NY, Delaware Co., Ohio, s/o Wm. & Elizabeth (Schoolcraft) Rose of Germany and Schoharie Co., NY. Extensive Bible records in this file.
JACOB ROSE. N.Y. former widow Jane Woodcock. R11811. She m. 2nd, John Woodcock, widow lived Tioga Co., NY.
JAMES ROSE. N.Y. BLWt. 7665 issued 7/9/1790 to Nicholas Fish, assignee. No papers in the file.
JAMES [JACOBUS] ROSE. N.Y. Esther Kylefuss (former widow). W16321. Married Esther Bian, she m. 2nd, Jacob Kylefuss, 2 ch. mentioned including Joseph. Brother Benjamin rose lived Ulster Co., NY.
JAMES ROSE. N.Y. widow Elizabeth. W24792. BLWt 36521 160. Married Elizabeth Cline in New York City, lived Rockland Co., NY, widow lived Ontario Co., NY, mentions dau. Eve Shirley.
JAMES ROSE. Va. widow Rebecca. W27533. BLWt 6439-160-55. Married [2nd] Rebecca Phippses, she recd pension also for former husband Isaac Durham. Lived Russell, King George, Prince William and Grayson Cos., VA, also TN. [Declaration filed Wilkes Co., NC not part of this file but recorded in the county shows previos wife Mary Ann aged about 100 in 1824 and great grandson John.]
JESSE ROSE. Va. S35634. Lived Harrison Co., KY.
JESSE ROSE. Va. R9002. Drafted Berkeley Co., VA, lived Mahoning Co., OH.
JOANNA ROSE, former widow of ABRAHAM WILSON. W5714; BLWt. 318-60- 55. She m. 2nd, Washington Co., NY, to PHILIP ROSE. Son Isaac Rose. Widow lived Madison Co., NY, Washington Co., NY. (This claim is under her 1st husband.)
JOHN ROSE. BLWt 1804-400. Surgeon. Issued Feb. 24, 1797. Conn. Papers missing; destroyed.
JOHN ROSE. S43967 BTWt 1584-150. Continental. Conn. Married Kathy, enl. Litchfield Co., CT, lived Broome Co., NY, mentions son Salmon M. Rose who lived Chenango Co., NY and dau. Sarepta. [Other documents name his other children.]
JOHN ROSE. R9004. Mass. Sea Service. Lived Kennebec Co., ME. brother Benjamin Rose, son George Rose of Somerset Co., ME mentioned.
JOHN ROSE. BLWt. 8659 and 8668. Priv. N.J. Issued Aug. 10, 1792. No papers; destroyed.
JOHN ROSE. BLWt. 8674. Priv. N.J. Issued Apr. 21, 1791. No papers; destroyed.
JOHN ROSE. S4787. N.J. Born Morris Co., NJ, lived Hamilton Co., OH.
JOHN ROSE. N.Y. S43940. widow Nancy. Lived Schnectedy, Albany and Rensselaer Cos., NY.
JOHN ROSE. N.C. widow Rachel. N.C. W18824. Married Rachel Sparks, he was born Southampton Co., VA, lived Wilkes and Surry Cos., NC, brother Sterling Rose mentioned. Includes Bible records, ch. Ann, Milley, Pathance, Rachel, William, John, Elazebeth, Hose and Thomas.
JOHN ROSE. Pa. BLWt 1029-300. See Gustavus H. Henderson. No papers. See: Heitman's Historical Register, p. 474, John Rose, which states that his proper name was Baron Gustavus H. de Rosenthal. Appointed Surgeon's Mate under name of Gustavus Henderson.
JOHN ROSE. Pa. BLWt. 1825-200. Lt., Issued May 18, 1789 to William Irvine, Esq. his attorney. Papers missing.
JOHN ROSE. Pa. 1786-1787-1788. R9006. Born 1760 Rockaway River, East Jersey, lived Jefferson Co., KY and Monongahela river, VA near Washington's Bottom.
JOHN ROSE. Va. R9008. Lived Princess Anne Co., VA, ch. Nancy, John, Jane.
JONATHAN ROSE. widow Hannah. Conn. W26395. BLWt. 12565 160 55. Married Hannah Rose, lived New Haven Co., CT.
JOSEPH ROSE. Mass. S23400. Born Hampshire Co., MA, lived Bennington Co., VT and Chenango Co., NY.
JUSTUS ROSE. Mass. R9007. Lived Hampden Co., MA, brothers mentioned: Timothy and Samuel Rose.
LEMUEL ROSE. widow Achsah. Mass. W5715. Married Achsah, lived Licking co., OH. Hiram Rose made an affidavit.
LEMUEL ROSE. widow Amy. N.Y. W22115. married Amy Wicks, he was born Suffolk Co., NY, son Phinehas Rose mentioned.
LEVI ROSE. widow Mary. Conn. W22114. Married Mary Page, lived New Haven Co., CT. Son James Rose mentioned.
LEVI ROSE. Mass. S33594. Lived Granville, MA, son Silas Rose mentioned. Abner Rose made an affidavit.
MATTHIAS ROSE. S17053. Lived St. Louis Co., KY and KY. Mentions brother in service [name not given but known to be Capt. Lewis Rose of Mercer Co., KY].
NATHANIEL ROSE. W24783. Privateer. Married Polly, he was born Taunton, MA, lived Bristol Co., MA.
PELEG ROSE. W22120. Married Mary, lived New London Co., CT. Bible record ch. Russell, James, Asa, Sarah, Peleg, Dorastus, Mary, Samuel, Elizabeth, James, Elexander, and others mentioned. Dr. Prosper Rose, brother.
PETER ROSE. R3244. Married Esther Barnard, she m. 2nd Roswell harris, 3rd Geo. Edmond. Married Fairfield Co., CT, he was s/o William, ch. mentioned, William of Litchfield Co., CT, Sally Atherton (latter mentions aunt Charity Rose).
PHILLIP ROSE. W58. Married Sarah, born King William Co., VA, lived Guilford and Rockingham Cos., NC, widow lived Perry Co., TN, ch. mentioned, Hugh, Mary H., Milly, but evidently not a complete list.
PROSPER ROSE. S35. Born New LondonCo., CT. [See also file of Peleg Rose.]
RICHARD ROSE. W11187. VA. Cont. BLWt 75111-160-55. Married [2nd] Mary Morris, lived Scott Co., IN, Adams Co., IN, Hancock Co., IL., Washington Co., IN.
RICHARD ROSE. S33603. Lived Burlington Co., NJ, mentions ch. William, Charles, Israel, Samuel, Mary Ann, Susan.
ROBERT ROSE. BLWt. 1855-400. Military papers only in this file.
RUSSEL ROSE. W5818. BLWt. 7064-60-55. SAMUEL ROSE. R9011. Conn. Born Coventry, CT, lived Steuben, Cayuga and Seneca Cos., NY.
SAMUEL ROSE. Mary. W7141. B.L.Wt. 33572-160-55. Married Mary Weist, lived Macon Co., NC, widow lived Rutherford Co., NC.
STERLING ROSE. S4132. N.C. Married Nancy, born King & Queen Co., VA, lived Wilkes and Surry Cos., NC. [See file of John Rose W18854.]
THOMAS ROSE. W24778. widow Eunice. Mass., N.H. Married Eunice Newton, lived Windham Co., VT. Beautiful Bible record, ch. Emilia, Tartius, Gaius, Greorge, Thomas Newton, Eunice, Celina, Laverna, Levi, Lucy. He was born Montague, MA, lived Deerfield, MA and Guilford, CT.
THOMAS ROSE. Mass. S30069. Mass. Privateer. Thomas Rose was born Bristol Co., MA. Mentions brother Nathaniel Rose.
TIMOTHY ROSE. Lydia Dickinson (former widow). W7025. Mass. Married Lydia Munson, she m. 2nd a Dickinson, Bible record incl. ch. Clarissa, Samantha, Lovisa, Lydia, Timothy M., Samuel H., Almena, and other family records shown.
TIMOTHY ROSE. W87. widow Phebe. Married Phebe Rolfe, lived Middlesex Co., NJ.
WILLIAM ROSE. S11324. Born Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT, lived Broome Co., NY.
WILLIAM ROSE. W18832. married Elizabeth Wilmeth, lived Middlesex Co., NJ, widow lived New York City.
WILLIAM ROSE. W9628. widow Mary. Married Mary, enl. Prince William Co., VA, m. in Fauquier co., VA, lived floyd Co., IN, Clay Co., MO. Son jeremiah Rose and brother Jesse Rose mentioned.
WILLIAM ROSE. #8554. wife Elizabeth. N.C. Widow Elizabeth. Married Elizabeth Merritt; b orn Granville Co., NC, had 10 ch., mentions Wm., Hutson, Christina, Ann, Ephraim. lived Pendleton Co., SC, Powell Valley [Tenn.], Whitley Co., KY.
WINTHROP ROSE. Conn. S43968. Enl. in Litchfield, CT, lived Broome Co., NY, had six children, not named.
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